This diagnostic will help you to identify your preferred style(s) of leadership.
There are no right or wrong answers to the questions in the questionnaire, which will take you around 30 minutes to complete. Be honest with yourself, its no point kidding yourself. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. We learn by experience!
As well as completing it yourself, you might like to ask people who know you well to give you feedback; for instance, your manager, peer, team member, or even your partner. But please stay away from people who are doom and gloom and who never have any self-esteem/confidence and low self-orientation. By this I mean constantly blaming others for their mishaps in life!!
1. Complete the questionnaire by scoring each of the four statements in the right-hand column,
referring to the guidance at the top of the page.
You may find it difficult to differentiate between all of the statements, but persevere. For the
diagnostic to work, you must score all 48 statements.
As a tip, score the statement most like you first, then the statement least like you, and the two
in-between statements last.
2. When you have completed all 12 sections, copy the scores you have allocated on to the grid on the Summary Sheet.
3. Add up the scores for each column (a) to (d).
4. The column with the highest total score will be your preferred leadership style.
5. The Interpretation Sheet describes the four leadership styles measured by the questionnaire.
6. If one style has scored higher than the rest, you will definitely be more comfortable with it. If you have two or three scores which are close together, it is likely that you are flexible, and are able to move between a number of styles quite easily.
7. Consider the implications of what the questionnaire results are telling you, and also the outcomes from anyone else who has completed it on your behalf.
8. In what ways can you change or enhance your leadership style?
9. Put together a development plan, incorporating the actions you need to take to vary your leadership style so that it is appropriate for each situation.
In each of the 12 sections, score all the statements in the column on the right-hand side, as follows:
1. This statement is least like me.
2. This statement is next least like me.
3. This statement is next most like me.
4. This statement is most like me.
Interpretation Sheet
The four styles assessed by the questionnaire are based broadly on the seminal Tannenbaum and Schmidt Leadership Continuum1 and are described below:
a) Tell
Your approach to leadership is autocratic. You like to be in control and you issue orders and directives. Generally, you are less interested in other people’s ideas because you believe that, with your experience, you know best. You dislike change, risks or anything which might interfere with the harmonious running of your patch.
b) Sell
You generally like to be in control of your team and direct the way they go about things. However, you like to explain the reasons why you do things and would prefer the agreement of your team. You are risk averse, careful about to whom you communicate and delegate, but will answer reasonable questions.
c) Consult
Your leadership style is based on asking people’s opinions. You are genuinely interested in what they have to say and you use good ideas, but you believe that, ultimately, it is your responsibility to decide what is going to happen. You like to let your team know that they have a degree of autonomy, but at the same time, you want to support them with the necessary development.
d) Empower
You lead by allowing your people as much freedom as they can handle. You lay down clear parameters but expect them to reorganise themselves and operate without referring everything to you. You are happy to debate most things openly and to tolerate dissent. You delegate decision-making as a matter of course and look for opportunities for their long-term progression.