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Business Coaching

How can a business coach help me?

A business coach could help you by offering an external, objective and constructive perspective of your situation. Business is an incredibly diverse subject and, as such, different coaches specialise in different subjects. I have experience of setting up my own business from scratch in November 2009. Here are the links of my websites:

I offer my coaching in small business start – ups and can coach you for the following issues:

1. You want to develop further public speaking skills

Whether you suffer from stage-fright (sweaty palms, tight throat, debilitating nerves), or simply want to turn an interesting presentation into an inspiring one - a business coach with a solid background in public speaking could teach you the specialist techniques required to give an excellent and effective pitch, conference, or presentation.

2. You want to improve communication skills

Communication skills are paramount in business. How do you negotiate a good deal, get colleagues to like you and impress seniors if you can't communicate properly? Good communication skills don't come naturally to all of us by any means. Shyness, awkwardness, low self-confidence and feelings of inferiority can hold people back in business, no matter how intelligent or innovative they are. These are the skills that are lacking in UK universities. A first class or 2:1 degree is of no use if you don’t have leadership skills or qualities. I can help you in becoming a more confident person.


3. You want to start a new business

Start-up business coaches offer much-needed support, guidance and expertise for new entrepreneurs looking to start a business. Start-ups are notoriously risky - about half fail within the first three years due to misjudged markets, overestimated forecasts, underestimated liabilities and so on - all easy mistakes to make for a first-timer. With an experienced business coach on-board, those fatal mistakes could be seriously minimised. You may even losing your own house or being evicted for non-payment of rent. Then you have to rely on family and friends to bail you out.

4. You need help managing a team

Managing a team of people can be incredibly hard work. Firstly you have to be very perceptive - how do you identify and utilise everybody's strengths? How do you get everyone to work as well as they possibly can together? Secondly you have to be confident - there's no use worrying that no one likes you. If you appear unconfident and uncertain then you're unlikely to gain the trust and respect of your team.


5. You need to make key changes and decisions

For businesses planning to merge, expand, relocate or change in structure, making careful decisions at this transitional point is paramount. Often, it can be hard to see your business as a whole, especially if you have an emotional bond with the business. Staying true to your original aims is important, but recognising when changes need to be made is essential. Some business owners and partners try to resist change for private reasons and end up jeopardising the future success of their business. Although business coaches should never work as mediators, they do aim to offer an unbiased, completely objective outlook. Sometimes a decision is much easier to make if an impartial perspective can be considered.

6. You need help with work/life balance

It's easy to get carried away at work, especially if a tough project demands lots of time and effort. If you're finding it difficult to find a healthy balance between work and home-life, then a business coach could help. By prioritising tasks, implementing time-frames and coaching time-management skills, you could soon find you finally have time to give your family, friends, hobbies and work the attention they're due.


7. You need motivation!

The problem with motivation is that it's often short-lived. We might wake up on a Monday raring to go and get started on new projects and exciting ideas, but by Wednesday that enthusiasm can begin to wain. For new entrepreneurs, having the motivation to keep going even when everything starts to go wrong can be incredibly difficult.
Business coaches can help motivate you to keep going by introducing short-term goals and encouraging you to see the daily successes you might otherwise have dismissed as unimportant. In other words your blindspots. A coach will also teach you ways to motivate yourself, so when things become really rough and you don't even want to get out of bed in the morning, you can find the strength to get up, get out and get going with the day.

How long does business coaching take?

Different business coaches practice different methods, so the number of sessions needed will vary from coach to coach. The number of sessions you have will also vary according to the subject you wish to address. For instance, help with your work/life balance will take significantly less time than help with managing a new team.
Generally though, business coaches work with their clients from between six to 18 months. The sessions end when all the goals have been reached, or whenever the client wishes.
Coaches aim to work at their client's pace and will never rush any decisions, or take longer than necessary working on a given problem that the client has.

Business coaching prices

I am Tariq, qualified and certified Coach. Member of the Association of Coaching. I charge £75.00 per session which is quite competitive when there are plenty of coaches around who are not even qualified to practice. Yet they call themselves a coach. So beware.
Give me a call on 07903 99 77 33 or leave a message on voicemail. Alternatively, text me or use the Contact page.

Association of Coaching